Carer’s Grant
The Carer’s Grant was introduced as from the 1st January 2021 as per budget measures. This Grant is awarded to a parent who is not in employment so as to take care of a child or children with a disability over sixteen (16) years of age and in receipt of an Increased Severe Disability Assistance.
What you’ll get
As from the year 2023, the Carer’s Grant will increase to four thousand, five hundred and nine euro and ninety-six cents (€4509.96) per year. Such a payment will be divided in four (4) payments and paid at the rate of one thousand and one hundred and twenty-seven euro and fourty-nine cents (€1127.49) every three (3) months. The Carer’s Grant is awarded to a parent who is not in a gainful employment to stay at home to take care of a child/children with a disability who is/are in receipt of an Increased Severe Disability Assistance.
Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Payment dates.
General eligibility criteria:
The parent must not be in employment and lives in the same household of the child or children with a disability over sixteen (16) years of age and in receipt of an Increased Severe Disability Assistance.
When upon reaching pensionable age, the eligible parent will continue receiving the Carer’s Grant.
The parent must not be in receipt of an Increased Carers Allowance, Carers Allowance or an Increased Severe Disability Assistance.
If the parent who meets the already mentioned criteria and is in receipt of Increased Severe Disability Assistance on his or her behalf will not be eligible for this Grant.
If the parent who meets the criteria already mentioned and is a patient of Increased Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Allowance is not eligible for this Grant.
In case the child or children in receipt of Increased Severe Disability Assistance and a relative is receiving Increased Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Allowance because he/she is caring for the child or children, the parent is not eligible for the Carer’s Grant..
General documentation:
No documentation is required
The process for the payment of the Carer’s Grant is triggered automatically by the Department for Social Security in those cases when a parent is not in employment and lives in the same household of the child or children with a disbaility over sixteen (16) years of age and in receipt of Increased Severe Disability Assistance.